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Flora to Match a 'Guide to Habitats in Ireland'

Conservation Section, Why we should grow native species. Design By nature - Handing on our Heritage. Design By Nature - Flora to Match a 'Guide to Habitats in Ireland'

Dear Professional Ecologists: 
Our 'Flora Ranges' are intended for professional ecologists, gardeners, planners and architects alike. We are working to distinguish the brand so that each user gets the most appropriate flora. Since the publication of 'A Guide to Habitats in Ireland' by 'The Heritage Council', DBN has decided to offer flora, consistent with the new Irish classifications under our 
'SSD' Range of 'Site Specific Designed' Flora
and our 'SSE' Range of 'Site Specific Environmental' Flora. 
Both of which can be ordered under the exact classifications in the guide. These floras may be 'Ordered by Contract' to fulfill NDP, NRA, Local Authority and Biodiversity requirements.

'A Guide to Habitats in Ireland': The species we supply are in the main, available nationally, are in the main simple to grow, attractive and suitable for the long process of seed production or nursery propagation.  We are limited by market size and species availability. Most of our 'standard EC, MM, GF, and DBN seed ranges' are intended as baseline 'non-locally' specific flora suitable across a wide range of sites, soils and growing situations found in Ireland. In addition we have to design for the requirements of our customers and the challenges presented in the quest to include native flora in the way we live. 

Our standard ranges are not intended to replicate ecologies found in the new publication 'A Guide to Habitats in Ireland' (ISSN1393-68 08) (ISBN 1 901137 27 9). If you require flora characterised by the 'habitats guide' choose our 'SS' site specific range of seed mixtures.

Guide to Habitats in Ireland and it's codes: Having examined the codes and description of the floras contained within the guide, we realise our existing product codes are not matched to the new 'Habitat Guide' as we established our codes twelve years earlier. 

Change of our Code to suit the Guide: In 2004 we were able to change our WL01 - WL06 (Wildlife range) to WF (Wildflower range) to avoid confusion with Habitat code WL1 & WL2. 2010: Changes are again made to products codes to simplify lists.

Definition of- Conservation Grade Wildflower Seeds

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