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Code of Practice for suppliers of native flora  

Conservation Section, Why we should grow native species. Design By nature - Handing on our Heritage. Wildflower Sellers Pledge; Code of Practice for suppliers of native flora  

Design By Nature is voluntary adopting  [Flora locale] Code of Practice for suppliers of native flora. DBN does not fully support all the recommendations of the report as the report is adopted from Forest tree seed collection sources in the UK and is not wholly for Irish Native Flora. 
We established much of the code internally in 2003 and have set about a complete change of the way we produce and sell, describe and market our products. 

We are slowly implementing most of the main sellers conduct codes and are working to adopt all of the producers / growers codes. We aim to adapt and then adopt the entire code for Irish conditions.

In addition we have and will keep our own marketing code of conservation grade, which is the long standing self imposed standard which predates 'Flora locale'.

We believe in the value of totally native Irish origin, wildflowers. do you need convincing? See Trinity College Botanic Garden  Letter,  

Flora Locale ©   link to website

Introduction: To Potential purchasers and users of native plants.
A Flora Locale list is provided on our website as a free service to potential purchasers and users of UK and Irish native plants who are planning to undertake ecological restoration schemes (including for landscape and forestry projects), in line with Flora locale’s aim to promote good practice in sourcing and using native plants. Some of the companies listed will also supply plants or seed in small quantities suitable for planting in gardens.  
This is not a service to promote the business of plant suppliers. Mention on this list does not constitute an endorsement by Flora locale of any company, supplier or organisation, their services or products and any associated claims made by them.  
No grower or supplier of native plants is currently entitled to use the name Flora locale in any promotional material, media or correspondence that directly or indirectly promotes their products and/or services except in relation to a statement to the effect that the operation has adopted the Flora locale Code of Practice for collectors, growers and suppliers of native plants and seed (and this must be accompanied by a signed statement in accordance with the conditions of the Code). Note: the Code of Practice is currently a consultation draft and has been posted on the Flora locale website.

Code of Practice for suppliers of native flora

In accordance with the Code: This seed supplier has adopted the Flora locale Code of Practice for collectors, growers and suppliers of native flora.

  • they are able to source identify some or all of the seed or plants that are supplied

  • where they can identify the country or locality of native origin and/or local provenance this information is available to actual and prospective plant buyers ("the customer")

  • where they are unable to source identify the country of native origin or local provenance of plants or seed of native species, they inform the customer that the locality of native origin and/or local provenance is unknown. Species imported for seed mixtures

  • they identify to the plant buyer when a native species that is being supplied is of cultivated origin [in any case this does not qualify for Flora locale's definition of a British native plant] or hybrid stock

  • they will not use the terms "British wildflower, British native, British plant" to describe flora that is not of British native origin (or trees and shrubs that are not of native provenance) or to a locality within Britain and that they are equally discriminating over using the term English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish when used

  • they will only use the terms "local" and "regional" when describing flora of native origin or native provenance to the local areas or region a referred to in their marketing literature or other sales information

  • they agree not to substitute flora specified by the customer with plants or seed that are of a different native origin or native provenance or of a different species than that specified, unless the client has agreed to this beforehand.


Seed Growers Pledge

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