Native Origin Irish Wildflower Seed Mixtures: Ecotype Range 

Product Code:  EC01 
Product Name: Annual Wildflowers (Cornfield Annuals) 

Cornfield annuals are species from the most an endangered ecosystem. 

They provide a splash of colour and are easy to grow. EC01 is the ideal mixture for new gardens & great fun for children to sow as it flowers within 6-10 weeks from planting. 

Species List: Code EC01

Corn Marigold
Corn Poppy
Scentless Mayweed
Scentless Mayweed

other annuals may be added when available

Product Warning: DBN recommend that this mixture is not for human or animal consumption as it contains species such as Corncockle which is mildly toxic if ingested.  Its is best to 'take the time' to show children any poisonous garden plants and to explain to children in simple language that that they should never eat something from the garden unless encouraged to do so.  
2010_wildflower_meadow_03c.jpg (84431 bytes)

This photograph is one day in the life of an ever changing 'annual' meadow.

Seed Mixture Specifications:
Origin: Native Irish Origin, Wildflower Seed Mixture.
EC01 contains annuals (plants that die after one seasons growth). EC01 is used as a stand alone 'splash of colour' seed mixture to provide a floral display, which is the equivalent of summer bedding or to provide temporary colour, while a site is being developed.
EC01 you can act as a nurse crop to create conditions at the surface of the soil for slower wildflower seedlings to germinate. In such cases. annuals are used to provide flowers in the first season and also to protect the slower seedlings from strong sunlight. (Seedlings also need protection during the annual spring ozone layer depletion). 
Suitable for soil type: All types of soil, Clay. Loam, Sand, Light Soil, Heavy Soil, but not Peat, in which case use Redshank Corncockle, Marigold and Mayweed on wet soils. 
Moisture Level: Dry, Normal, Moist, but not Flooded Wet
pH range: Best between 5.5 - 6.5, <7.5, >7.5
Aspect: Sunny, Semi Shade and not Shaded.

Life Cycle: Annual / Biennial / Perennial. 
Height Range: <30cm to >100cm 
Flowering Period: 
If autumn or early spring sown = Late May to August. 
If spring sown = July to November.
Fertility Range: Will grow in very fertile soil to poor, if very infertile apply fertiliser (see below).
Wintergreen: No. 

If the mixtures is allowed to set seed and the soil is then turned every year the annual wildflower seed mixture will continue to repeat germinate, flower each year, flowers will set new seed and complete there life cycle. 
When the annual flowers finish, cut them and lightly cultivate the soil, hiding the seeds from the birds. 
Annual wildflowers will tend to grow as single species depending on the time of cultivation, and the weather conditions. 
For a 'Poppy field' with some of the other annuals, sow and prepare the soil in November, for all other species cultivate in October and again in early spring. different species will tend to dominate depending on the time of sowing. if you do not want one species to dominate, collect seeds of all species in summer and sow.
Rare, unusual, and feature species:  Corncockle*, Cornflower*,Corn Marigold.
Species which will grow if the conditions are ideal: All
Annual Species: All
Biennial Species: None
Species which will be affected by management: Poppy
Additional species which could be added to this mixture as individual species of seeds or plants: 

Design Notes: Annuals can be sown into existing meadows, create beds in shapes, such as half moons, which are large enough to cultivate and turn the soil every year.  If you can place the annuals in sight of a window as they will cheer up the wettest of winter days. 

Sowing Specification: As Normal, roll or rake into surface to keep out of reach from birds.

Soil Preparation: Normal, create fine tilt on seed bed, 
Optimum Sowing Time: Normal, best sown early spring or in September. Poppy seed sown in such periods will germinate and flourish. Sow the seed as soon as works are complete as the soil will be at its best in microbial activity. You may not believe this but our experience is seeds are best sown 3 days either side of full moon, as there is always moisture available, even in summer due to heavy dews. 
Sowing Conditions: Normal
Sowing Method: By hand is recommended, if using seed spreaders be careful to insure the small varieties of seed do not drop to the bottom of the seed spreader and get sown all in the one place. Can be Hydrasown. 


Fertiliser: None, unless very poor fertility such as quarry, Esker or very poor subsoil. Powdered or liquid seaweed will aid germination. 


Seed Sowing Rates: 2 grams per metre.
Normal sowing rate 'without added grass seed':  1.5 to 3 grams per metre.
High sowing rate 'without added grass seed': Add 4 grams per metre.
Low sowing rate: 1 gram per metre. 

If using annuals as a nurse crop you may sow Cornfield Annuals at a rate of 1 or 2 grams per metre.  If you can afford it sow EC01 with a wildflower meadow mix. 


Grass seed or nurse crop requirement:

Nurse Crop: No nurse crop is required. 
Grass Seed Requirement: None.
Sow with or without grasses: Unnecessary, 
Sowing rate with grasses: 2 to 4 grams per metre. 50% Flora / 50% grass seed.
If sown without grasses: This mixture will not require a nurse crop.


Seed Specification:  
Total number of seeds per gram: 2782
Once sown this mixture in normal conditions (mainly in early Autumn and Spring) should germinate 4 to 6 weeks after sowing. 8 to 12 weeks in cold wet weather.

Up to 90% of all seed should germinate in the 8 weeks.
Late autumn and early summer sowings may be slow to emerge, depending on the weather.


Persistence if unmanaged: High, but the ground must be cultivated every year. This is not a normal meadow mixture, it will die each year and needs to be re-germinated from seed.
Tolerance of Cutting: None, very light topping.
General Cutting Time: End of Summer to clear dead foliage.
Specific Cutting Time: When last flowers fade, after seeds set.

Management: Control weeds.

Species in this mixture are Not 'Browse' resistant.