Guarantee, Seed Certificates, Specifications & Service

Guarantee: Every Design By Nature seed mixture sold, ex works, by post or direct to customer is guaranteed. 
Provided the 'cert' and the order number are provided and they match our records. see below

Early spring photos sent to us also help us identify problems before they arise

DBN is a Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, (DAFM) :

Registered Native Sourced Irish Wildflower Seed Grower, Harvester, 

Supplier, Processor, Mixer and Packer DAFM Registered No: IECS-44

Vat No : IE 3656298P | Business Reg: 109182

EU Plant Health Pass: EUPP/IRL/DAFF/2684.

The world's only wildflower seed mixture guarantee.
40% of seed germinates from 4 days to 8 weeks.
40% will germinate in 12 months.
Balance over 36 months.

This is why we guarantee your seed for the full 3 years, as wildflowers are wild, and as ours always grow, we can offer replacement seeds.

We do not have to guarantee the seeds:

  • Where weeds have smothered our wildflowers. (so start with clean weed free sites)
  • Where the wrong site details are provided and wrong mixture is used, but something will grow just not all.
  • Or where our site specific recommendations were not adhered too. 

Every year we replace about 10 customers seeds, not so bad when you think of the thousands who grow our seeds successfully 

Guarantee: In the case of live seeds and plants, failure to grow does not imply the product was faulty. 
However DBN will replace seed to customers who operate and use or products in good faith, and who have also followed our advice and have  contacted us as soon as a problem arises. 

Your Guarantee depends if the terms of sale and sowing were adhered and photos are taken before and after

Photographs of seedlings and plants in the meadow and photos of the site in general must be taken of the site before and after sowing and when the meadow or weeds germinate and grow. this includes photos for every year to the third year, how else can we tell what you are doing?

Wildflower seed can fail, especially if sown in winter outside DBN's recommended sowing periods, or where the soil is not clean of unwanted plants or weeds which will effect the growth of the products we supply. 

Wildflowers can also fail due to management or biological reasons beyond our control. 

What is a Seed Certificate? Every seed mixture sold by DBN has an auto-generated seed certificate, 
which is a combined guarantee and specification. 

Germination tests are carried out on every single species and when blended on every mixture, so we know those that are fast or slow to germinate

Specification: Every seed mixture sold by DBN 
has a specification and a list of species hosted on this web site.

Go to the price list and click the product code to find your product specification.

DBN is a Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, (DAFM) :Registered Native Sourced Irish Wildflower Seed Grower, Harvester, Supplier, Processor, Mixer and Packer DAFM Registered No: IECS-44